[Freedom of information] [Offentlighet i forvaltlingen]  

Walter Keim
Torshaugv. 2 C
NO-7020 Trondheim

26 November 2008


Utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre
Pb 8114 Dep.
N-0032 Oslo

CC. Helen Darbishire, Access Info Europe
     Sandra Coliver, Senior Legal Officer,
Open Society Justice Initiative

Søknad om innsyn datert 17.11.08 uten svar
Det vises til søknad om innsyn ifølge offentlighetsloven datert 17.11.08, som er blitt sendt med e-post, telefaks og vanlig brev (vedlegg 1).
Jeg kan ikke se å ha fått svar uten ugrunnet opphold.
Det vises til uttalelse fra Sivilombudsmannen til HiST datert 24.6.06 (vedlegg 2) side 3: Et svar uten ugrunnet opphold, dvs. "samme dag eller i alle fall i løpet av 1-3 virkedager".
Jeg har også lagt merke til at Statsministerens kontor svarte på et søknad om innsyn i DNB Nor saken samme dag (vedlegg 3).
Videre kan en ubesvart søknad påklages etter 5 dager ifølge den nye offentlighetsloven som vil være i kraft fra 1.1.2009.
Jeg ser fram til svaret uten ugrunnet opphold.
Walter Keim
Netizen: http://sites.google.com/site/walterkeim/


  1. Brev 17.11.08: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/08.11.17_Request-to-Council-of-Europe.pdf
  2. Sivilombudsmannens brev av 24.6.05 til HiST: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/jul/050624so.pdf
  3. 31.10.08: Statsministeren svarer samme dag (24.10.08): http://www.regjeringen.no/upload/SMK/Vedlegg/2008/Kongelig%20res_311008.pdf
----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Keim
To: umin@mfa.no
Cc: post@mfa.no
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 4:28 PM
Subject: Request for information from the Council of Europe: Rapporteur Group recommendation

Walter Keim

Torshaugv. 2 C

NO-7020 Trondheim

17 November 2008

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre

Pb 8114 Dep.

N-0032 Oslo

CC. Helen Darbishire, Access Info Europe

     Sandra Coliver, Senior Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative

Re: Request for Information re Convention on Access to Official Documents

Dear Mr. Gahr Støre

I am writing to make a request for information from the Council of Europe according to Act of 19 June 1970 No. 69 relating to public access to documents in the public administration as subsequently amended, most recently by Act of 20 June 2003 No. 45 (short title: Freedom of Information Act, i. e. offentlighetsloven § 2).

On 12 November 2008 the Rapporteur Group on Human Rights of the Committee of Ministers met to consider the Opinion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the draft Convention on Access to Official Documents (PACE Opinion of 3 October 2008).

I understand that the Rapporteur Group made a recommendation on whether or not the Convention on Access to Official Documents should be redrafted in the light of the concerns raised by PACE. I have been informed that the outcome of that meeting is not public. The next stage in the decision-making process is a final decision by the Committee of Ministers (Ministers’ Deputies) on 27 November.

I wish to know:

I note that the Council of Europe Recommendation 2002(2) on Access to Official Documents states that wide public access to documents is necessary for “encouraging informed participation by the public in matters of common interest”. It is clear that development of the world’s first binding convention on Access to Official Documents is a matter of significant public interest and hence it is imperative that there be public participation in and scrutiny of the process by which this Convention is concluded. Access to information is essential for democratic debate and defence of human rights, values which the Council of Europe is mandated to uphold and promote.

Yours sincerely

Walter Keim

Netizen: http://sites.google.com/site/walterkeim/