
Uncle Hans tried to prevent World War II

Uncle Hans Stürmer followed Germany's rearmament with great concern and saw through Hitler's "peace policy" early on.

He discussed his concerns with his relatives and the need to warn Hitler. His relatives became so worried about him that they locked him in the toilet for his own safety and took his money away.

He freed himself and climbed out of the small window in the toilet. He walked from Hohenleuben to Leipzig (with a train connection) to his aunt Erna Stürmer and her daughter Gerda. Having become wise, he told her a story of lies in order to get money to go to Berlin.

There he went to the Reich Chancellery and asked to speak to Hitler about an important matter.

He was given another address to present his concerns because the Führer was not there.

When Uncle Hans stood in front of the door of the address he had been given, he realized that it was an insane asylum. So he preferred not to say anything and headed home.

Now Uncle Hans gave up: Many may have thought that was wise. But this is a failed attempt to intervene in world history to prevent 50 million deaths.

PS: After the war, Uncle Hans was a chauffeur. But he came into conflict with the communist authorities again and moved to West Germany. There he saw a beautiful house in which two Jehovah's Witnesses lived. He asked if he could rent an apartment there. "What would people think if we rented to a man?" was his answer. "You should listen to God, not to people," he replied. Unfortunately, he had to find another flat.

In the 1980s, I told Uncle Hans that he should write his memoirs. Since he didn't do that, I published this publication on the Internet.

PS: American journalist was “interested in giving me your thoughts on the movement and what drew you to join” the protest against Trump.

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