(Schwäbisch Gmünd is located ca. 50 km east og Stuttgart, Germany)
Johann Georg Ellinger,
Hertighofen (village ca. 20 km north of town Schwäbisch Gmünd
Germany, ca. 40 km east-northeast of Stuttgart).
Married to Anna
Katarina Ellinger, born Stiefel.
Their son was:
Johann Gottlieb Ellinger,
26. Nov. 1822 - 19. Jul. 1869, Grossdeinbach.
Married to
Frederike Ellinger, 5. Nov. 1823 - 20. May 1891 Adelstetten.
of their sons was:
Gottlieb Ellinger,
18. Oct. 1852 - 1913, Hertighofen, (near Schwäbisch Gmünd a town
ca. 50 km east of Stuttgart, Germany).
Married to Rosine
Ellinger, born Siegle, 13. Mar. 1850, from Grossdeinbach (now part of
Schwäbisch Gmünd a town ca. 50 km east of Stuttgart, Germany).
Their three sons and one stepdaughter were:
Maria Bohn, born
Sannwald, 1886-1940
August Ellinger,
22. Nov. 1880 - May 1933, Alfdorf-Haselbach (ca. 10 km north of
Schwäbisch Gmünd).
Johann Georg Ellinger, 21. Aug. 1883,
Karl Ellinger,
18. May 1882 - 27. Feb 1958, Alfdorf-Haselbach, married to Selma
Ellinger in Norway and had 7 children:
B: Georg Gottlieb Ellinger first married to Berglijot
Øiseth and then to Marit Ellinger,
C: Sinnøve Brath, married to
Hans Jørgen Brath,
D: August Norman Ellinger died 25. March
2008, married to Edla Ahlman
E: Aase Glein, married to Hjalmar
F: Peer Ellinger,
G: Liv Berit, married to Odd
A: Erna Marie Braaten (1909-) married to Alf Bråten
A: Erna's children:
Bjørn Ellinger Bråten (1. November.1935) married to Astrid Marie
Bråten, (8.February.1937) and got 3 sons and one daughter Bjør Erik
(now Warnaar) (1963), Lars Even (1966) and Anna Lena (now Albertsen)
Tor Ellinger Bråten (13
Juni 1937-22 May 2023) married to Kari born Næssan with daughter
Hege and son Øivind, second marriage to Britt Eirill Bråten
Terje Bråten (1938-2013)
B: Georg's daughters with
Liv Solveig Øiseth (1936)
Randi Turid Ellinger (1939)
no children with
C: Synnøve's children:
D: August's children:
Birgit born 12. Jan.45
Astrid born 10. Nov.
Per Olaf born 15. July 53, married to
Anne-Kristine Bye Ellinger born 3. Dec. 50 and got two
- Carl August born 01.
Aug. 80, married to Marit Ellinger born 2. Nov. 1976 and got daughter
Josemine born 27. Dec. 2009
Karianne born 06. April 1985.
E: Åse's child:
F: Peer had one son:
Liv Berit's children:
The sources of this information are mainly the
church books of the mentioned towns and villages.
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