Income from Sideline Jobs
at the European Court of Human Rights

The file that follows contains an application to the European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR received the form in the middle of 2007, provided file number 31583/07 and started consideration quickly, despite of its burden with applications from all Europe.

Use of the German language is admitted in such applications. However, I left Germany and gave up my adress in protest of ignoring human right violations by authorities. So I preferred writing my application in English.

All people outside Germany who believe that Germany's old problems were solved should consider this file as a warning.

Application under Article 34 of the European Convention of Human Rights

I. The Parties

1. Surname: Keim
2. First name: Walter
3. Nationality: German
4. Occupation: lecturer
5. Date and place of birth: March 25th, 1948 in Schwäbisch Gmünd
6. Permanent address: N-7070 Trondheim, Torshaugv. 2 C
7. Tel.No: +0047-72553057
8., 9.,10.,11.,12.: not applicable
13. Fill in the name of the State against which the application is directed: Federal Republic of Germany

II. Statement of the Facts



III. Statement of the alleged violations of the convention and/or protocols and of relevant arguments


The denial of the constitutional court violates Articles 6, 10, 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention).

To hold secret magnitude of income from sideline jobs violates Art. 10 of the Convention

Article 6 - Right to a fair trial
3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights:
c.    to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing ...


Article 10 - Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.


Article 13 - Right to an effective remedy
Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.


16. Final decision (date, court, or authority and nature of decision)

Entscheidung Bundesverfassungsgericht 24. May 2007 (2 BvR 1033/07)

--- send to me 15. May 2007. The constitutional court (Appendix 1) denied to support publication.

17. Other decisions (list in chronological order, giving date, court or authority and nature of decision for each of them)

a) 10. March 2006 the president of the federal parliament stopped publication.

b) 15. May 2007 the president of the federal parliament confirmed denial (Appen. 13) without giving a reason.

18. Is there or was there any other appeal or other remedy available to you which you have not used?

A complaint was filed to the administative court (Appendix 13: case VG 2 A 55.07) 1. June 2007. The publication 5. June 2007 did not satisfy the law and the judgement of the constitutional court BVerfG, 2 BvE 1/06 of 4. June 2007 (Appendix 14: see complaint 7. July 2007).

V. Statement of the object of the application (See Part V of the Explanatory Note)


The applicant petitions the European Court of Human Rights to disapprove the decisions of the German courts and to award the applicant damages, which are to be determined by the European Court of Human Rights.

The denial of publication without court order is violating the Convention.

The income of sideline jobs is collected, however only the information if it is more than 1000.- or 3500.- EURO is given. The real number is secret.

VI. Statement concerning other international proceedings.


No other international proceedings.

VII. List of documents



  1. 24.05.07: Die Verfassungsbeschwerde wird nicht zur Entscheidung angenommen. Dadurch erledigt sich der Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Anordnung.
  2. 10.04.07 Antrag Nebenintervention und Eilantrag zugunsten der Veröffentlichung der Nebentätigkeiten von Abgeordneten:
  3. 18.04.07: Keine persönliche Betroffenheit, Nebenintervention nicht erlaubt für Bürger (§ 94 BVerfGG).
  4. 10.05.07: Forderung nach richterlicher Entscheidung.
  5. Berlin, 20. Juli 2006: Stellungnahme von Transparency International Deutschland e.V. zum Verfahren über die Anträge 2 BvE 1/06, 2/06, 3/06 vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht:
  6. Verden/Köln/Berlin 16.03.2006: Staatsrechtler von Arnim: „Entscheidung von Bundestagspräsident Lammert stellt offenen Gesetzesbruch dar.“ 
  7. 12.03.06: Die Welt: Volk ohne Vertrauen:
  8. stern-Artikel aus Heft 42/2006 Forsa-Umfrage: 90% der Bürger/innen für eine Veröffentlichung der Nebeneinkünfte:
  9. 10.03.06: Lammert: "Daher beabsichtige ich, die Veröffentlichung bis zum Vorliegen dieser Entscheidung auszusetzen":
  10. 10. July 2006: Sdruženi Jihoceské Matky v. Czech Republic, Application no. 19101/03. Decision of  ECHR Admissibility of Access to information: .
  11. 11. April 2006: GERAGUYN KHORHURD PATGAMAVORAKAN AKUMB v. ARMENIA: Application no. 11721/04.  ECHR decision to communicate freedom to receive information case to Armenia:
  12. 10.03.2007: Wann hört der Bundestagspräsident auf die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Veröffentlichungspflicht der Nebentätigkeiten von Abgeordneten zu verletzen?
  13. 15.05.07: Sowohl Veröffentlichung nach Abgeordnetengesetz als auch Akteneinsicht werden abgelehnt:
  14. Aktenzeichen VG 2 A 55.07 Keim vs. Germany
  15. 06.08.07: Antrag auf Veröffentlichung gemäß dem Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes anzupassen:
18.09.2009: Weitere Begründung der EGMR-Klage ungenügende Veröffentlichung der Nebentätigkeiten vom Bundestagsabgeordneten.

VIII. Declaration and signature

28. June 2007, Keim, etc.

homeward retro

