Ähnlicher Stoff auf Deutsch: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/de_menschenrechte.htm
Walter Keim, E-mail: walter.keim@gmail.com
Torshaugv. 2 C
N-7020 Trondheim, 1. November 2006
To the Private Office of the President of the Assembly
Parliamentary Assembly
Council of Europe
Avenue de l'Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Petition: Access to Information
Dear Mr. Sich,
thank you very much for your information dated 13 February 2006 that the petition "Access to information" in Germany has been transmitted to the competent Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Access to information has now been recognized as human right in the following human rights court cases:
I would like to ask you to consider to hand over this letter to the competent Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Walter Keim
8 German states violate the human right of freedom of information: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/ifg-result.htm
List of appendices:
We have argued that the right of access to information held by public authorities is firmly
established in European and international law and practice. Courts and lawmakers
throughout the democratic world have determined that the right to receive government
information is an integral and separate element of freedom of expression, and, like the
right to impart information and ideas, an actual prerequisite for the meaningful exercise of
other political rights in a modern democracy. Furthermore, there is a clear trend in the
democratic world to consider free access to election-related information, and in particular
campaign finance data, as essential to ensuring the integrity of electoral processes and the
credibility of the democratic system itself. This Court in Sdruženi recognized an Article
10 right to receive information held by public authorities independent of any other
Convention rights or interests. We respectfully urge the Court to take the opportunity
presented by this case to make clear that Article 10 of the Convention grants individuals
and other persons a general right of access to information held by public authorities. This
will bring the Court’s jurisprudence into line with prevailing European and international
law, and clarify for national courts throughout Europe the importance of access to
information as a foundation for democratic government.
Copy: Petitionsausschuss Bundestag 1-15-06-10000-037433, Petitionsausschuss Baden-Württemberg 14/438, Petitionsausschuss Schleswig-Holstein: L141-16/633, Petitionsauschuss Rheinland-Pfalz LE11/05, Petitionsauschuss Niedersachsen 25554/01/15, Petitionsausschuss Thüringen E-846/05, Presserat Beschwerde BK2-246/06
Copy: Parliamentary Assembly Council of
Europe, International Helsinki Federation
for Human Rights, OSCE, ECHR
(Keim v. Germany Appl. No. 41126/05), FOIAdvocates,
CoE Human Rights Commissioner
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Colours on picture: dark green: FOIA enacted. Yellow: pending law. FOIA= Freedom of Information Act