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Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison
Germany's Bavaria at the bottom of the list in Western Europe at the bottom of Europe (2005) and the developed countries in the whole world (2012) concerning access to information:
Franz-Josef Strauß is Prime Minister of Bavaria in 1980, but is not elected Federal Chancellor. Stoiber was his campaign manager.
9.May 1978: On the 2. May 78 I started a job at the MAN New Technology. "I will calculate windmills, therefore I do not need to make a security clearance for classified information." Legal Advisor replies: "If you do not apply, you'll be fired right away, if you do not hire one in half a year, you definitely have to get legal expenses insurance, that's better than just union representation".
10. November 1978: On the day punctually 6 months later: Why will I be fired tomorrow, if I do not quit myself ?: You have to know that yourself. My legal adviser: The legal representative of MAN is called Schilling, and is with both legs in the Middle Ages. That's the first professional ban process (Berufsverbot) in the industry he knows. They go through all instances, even if they lose all the time. "What are you doing?" "I donot give in". "You are stupid". "It's my decision". (The Swabian language is short, brutal, and precise: a razor-sharp instrument to make important decisions quickly. Yes, if that is so, I need Munich's best lawyer in the field: the liberal Dr. W. Kanz, the works' council must report concerns about termination without notice, a decent labour judge will not hurt, inform (foreign) press (win as a listener to the lobar court process) and form support committees (which he does when the time comes).
10. November 1978: Lawyer contradicts the threat of termination of employment. There is no justifiable reason for termination. I have protection against dismissal law on my side.
December 1978: I informed the IGMetall union, of which I was a member. The representative told me that there was so much evidence against me that I should quit immediately.
December 1978: The supervisor and legal advisor made the following suggestions.
02. December 1978: Application in Switzerland: After watching the film "Swissmakers", I thought, I can stay in Germany right away.
9. December 1978: Letter to MP about the threat to fire me if I did not resign. My union representative said that there was so much against me that I should just resign myself.
10. December 1978: Caution is the mother of porcelain box: A company can deliver a termination by courier legally valid during the holidays. If you come back too late, it may not be possible to challenge you. (With the formulated unfair dismissal lawsuit, it was now on vacation: This procedure I have then applied in all my vacations. This may also save the company from stupidity: They know then that I have legally first-class advice). Therefore, I gave my holiday address.
14. December 1978: To my boss (the expert manager): "I got the bad grade 4 to 5 in my certificate of employment. The personnel office wants to keep me." He: "Can I get a copy?" Me: "Yes.". My own suggestion was a top grade.
December 1978: Call from a Member of the Bundestag (MdB), head of Legal Committee in parliament to whom I had written (where I had sent the security clearance application on request): This application will not be rejected. Inform me if someone tries to do something against you.
09. January 1979: Application: The IAGB (industrial plant company) deals e.g. with strategic armament. I had taken the text of the job advertisement and the name first and thought that have to do with industrial equipment. My legal advisor commented on my application there: Once again, that was a big nonsense: Now, perhaps they mistakenly think that strategic armament planning should be spied on.
22. January 1979: Application at MBB in Hamburg, who build the AIRBUS. Also, here questions about political attitude and relations to the GDR (East Germany).
January 79: Specialist to me: "I am the poorest pig, do not know what to believe". My answer: "I am the poorest pig here, there should be someone to take over the responsibility and to whom I could communicate my decision, after the proper VS application process, the company will only know whether the application is approved or not". "Do you think the MAN is not working properly?". "Yes, that's what I mean". (With the term pig, he came to my real opinion that this was a mess and – I was up to the neck in the shit, pretty close – but I held back better: who knows how deep he is in the shit and one stupid remark from me then gives me the rest. My argument of the "proper VS application process" should also strengthen his ability to withstand pressure).
1979 Legal Advisor: The next thing you do is offer you a doctoral position at the university. A few months later, my colleague says that he has heard that I am going to Berlin to do my doctorate. "Who told the nonsense?". He does not say that, but I can already imagine who spoke to whom. I call in Berlin: What's up with that? The professor says he does not let himself be hit in the corridors of a federal ministry, so to discuss something in detail. Who will possibly be a supervisor and what is the topic. There is another planned and topic does not exist yet. I almost do not know it and do not make contact because I'm not motivated. Later another professor calls and offers me this. "That's good to know if I'm interested." I can not feel it, the horror of this whole story was too bruised for me.
24. October 1979: Hearing: Legally irrelevant Potemkin village. A facade behind which the bureaucracy hides its misdeeds.
23. January 1980: Letter to MdB these kinds of authorizations are used unnecessary too often for too much people. Therefore, company announces to withdraw my application.
02. February 1980: I commented on my authorization as follows: The war is lost, but once again I have won a battle. I have said this for years. Answer of the MdB.
10. January 1982: Report to the Legal Committee of parliament. GROWIAN (big windmill) was built "to show that it is not possible."
11. January 1982: A nightmare is over (pulled out of the shit with my own hands on my own hair)
22. January 1982: Tell the colleagues (and Germans) my opinion. ,
31. January 1982: It is common to write your own testimonies. To the technical supervisor: I warn you, I gave myself the grade 1 ("always to our complete satisfaction." He sends that on, "I fear nothing." (I gave the grade 1 because of my services to the fight for democracy. My question to personnel management was: Is this a typo that “best” is missing? "No, we never write like that." Grades.
07. Maych 1982: Letter to personnel manager. Who gave you the wrong impression that I will not get permission to work with secret material?
25. March 1982: Federal Ministry of Economics (BMW) rejects everything
1982: It is only in Norway that I notice that the MAN's company was giving information to my boss and colleges for which the BMI assured confidentiality: I could have staked the MAN with the help of BMW in the pan: they would have sworn then that they did not do what they did.
13. Semtember 1982: Reply to the BMW
13. July 1983: BMW considers matter as settled.
23. July 1983: The "rigth to know" in Swebian: "Oxen do not have this right (on answer), humans of course".
15. August 1983: The press kept this thing dead.
24. October 1983: MdB does not know anything new.
But this shows that in the greatest need is the help closest: The night of the radical attack also gave birth to me (without ever having read about this human right) the light of the universal human right of freedom of information (people are not oxen: I hope, also non-Swabians understand that). This confirms the theories of Kant.
30 years later: Germany on the way to bottom in Europe and the developed countries with Bavaria at the top:
19. February 2020: Case Against Germany: No Right to Information Law in Bavaria Breaches Right to Freedom of Expression
29. June 2019: The Centre for Law and Democracy send a detailed complaint to Human Rights Committee c/o OHCHR-UNOG, Petition Team, Annex
9. May 2018: Individual Human Rights Complaint: Denial of Access to Information
March 2016: Complaint to European Court of Human Rights
01. March 2014: 100 States adopted FOI laws. Bavaria refuses FOI law.
14. July 2012: Enforcement of the Human Right of Access to Information in Bavaria/Germany?
24. April 2012: Can Baltic Sea NGOs help Bavaria?
2011: Bavaria auf dem Weg zum Schlusslicht in der Welt? Mehr als 115 Staaten (https://www.rti-rating.org/country-data/) mit mehr als 5,9 Milliarden Einwohnern haben entweder Informationsfreiheitsgesetze oder entsprechende Verfassungsbestimmungen.
16. October 05: Nachdem im Bund der Bundestagspräsident meine Petition am 22. December 04 an den Bundeskanzler zur Berücksichtigung überwiesen und 11 Bundesländern Petitionen angenommen haben mache ich hier der Vorschlag die Informationsfreiheit auch in Bayern - dem Schlusslicht - einzuführen. Der Landtag hält die Gründe des Abschlags geheim, das Justizministerium getraut sich nicht gegen das Menschenrecht der Akteneinsicht zu verstossen.
Fazit: Deutschlands Legislative, Administrative und Judikative Gewalt bietet nicht nur nicht die Gewähr sich jederzeit für die Menschenrechte einzusetzen, sondern stellt ganz im Gegenteil eigene vordemokratische Gesetze über die Menschenrechte, das heißt duldet und begeht täglich Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Bei der Informationsfreiheit wird im Bund und 16 Bundesländern gegen die UN Menscherechte und die Grundrechtscharta der EU verstoßen. Bei den Patientenrechten gegen die EU Charta der Grundrechte und European Charter of Patients Rights. Was für "Menschen" sind das eigentlich, die sich das widerspruchslos (außer ein paar Ausnahmen) gefallen lassen? Wie lange noch wird die EU diesen Schandfleck im "Raum der Freiheit" dulden?
13. October 2002: das Rechtsberatungsgesetz aus dem Jahre 1935 gilt immer noch Dagegen liegt auch eine Beschwerde beim Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte gegen Anwendung des Rechtsberatungsgesetztes vor. Ein Nürnbeger Beamter der Sozialhilfe wurde angezeigt, weil er systematisch Krankenscheine zu spät ausstellte. Daraufhin wurde der Leider des Nürnberger Integrationshilfeverein angezeigt und verurteilt wegen unerlaubter Rechtsberatung.
24. May 2002: Gesinnungsschnüffelei und Hexenjagd geht weiter in Bayern: attac Mitglied betroffen. Der Einsatz für eine gerechte Globalisierung ist also unerwünscht.
17. May 2002: Stoiber hat sich im Wahlkampf als "Mann der Mitte" dargestellt und führt in den Meinungsumfragen: Stoppt Stoiber!
7. May 2002: Hat sich der Erbe von Franz-Josef Strauß geändert oder hat er nur Kreide gefressen?
13. March 2002: Klage bei den Vereinten Nationen über das Fehlen der Informationsfreiheit. Verwaltungsklage da innerstaatliche Rechtsmittel nicht ausgeschöpft waren.
9. Februar 2002: Trotz Verurteilung der Praxis des Radikalenerlasses durch den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (- 7/1994/454/535 - EuGRZ 1995, 590 - ) sind die Opfer der Berufsverbotspraxis noch nicht entschädigt worden. Die Regelanfrage an die Verfassungsschutzämter in Bund und Ländern (Teil des Radikalenerlasses von 1972) gilt immer noch - als einzigem Bundesland - in Bayern. Die deutsche Justiz führt das Ergebnis nicht durch und versucht so weiterzumachen wie vorher.
27. December 2001: Petition über das Menschenrecht Informationsfreiheit an das Europäische Parlament: Patientenrechte sind Menschenrechte. Anhang 7. Juli 2002.Zulassung und Ergebnis, dass das Europaparlament für die Informationsfreiheit in Mitgliedsländern ist.
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